About Me

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I am interested in exploring how workplaces are actually changing (not the hype). This blog is my place for thinking out loud about what I see happening - or not happening.

Monday, July 21, 2008

It has been a while since my last blog entry, almost three months in fact. It has been a busy, interesting time.

Looking back through my previous sporadic posts, none of my reflections have arisen from what I do - which makes the blog lifeless and gives nobody any sense of what prompts my thinking about the changing workplace. So here goes.

Among the stuff I do, I have been working regularly in Moscow over the past two years with senior, director-level executives. They are taking their businesses in new directions, and my colleagues and myself are working with them to evaluate and implement new business strategies. It has been a pleasure and privilege to work with such smart people.

Smart is what you would expect

Smart is what you would expect at that level. What has been refreshing is their willingness to listen respectfully, to spot where our knowledge offering might have value for their organisations, interpreting for their own business and cultural contexts and using it most effectively in strategy development.

Be afraid, be very afraid ...

China and India are phenomenal innovators. We won’t just go down, we’ll go down big time if we don’t watch out. We have to think of the clever new ideas and be ahead of the game while we have the affluence and economic growth to invest in way-out concepts. That includes the way we work. Professor Cary Cooper, Director, Jan 2005

Those phenomenal innovators include Russian executives, who respect business education and learn very, very quickly.

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